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How to get to JVM ?

The office is easily accessible by several means of transport :

By tram 93, 94, 92, 97, stop Stephanie

By metro lines 2 and 6, Louise station

By car the following parkings are available:
200m : Parking Stéphanie-Louise (Wiltchers), Louise avenue 83A, 1060 Bruxelles
250 m : Q-Park, Capitaine Crespel street 27, 1050 Bruxelles
400 m : Parking Louise, Livourne street 14, 1060 Bruxelles
450 m : Q-Park, Livourne street 11, 1000 Bruxelles
600 m : Interparking, Poelaert square 4/Z, 1000 Bruxelles

By bicycle many bike parking poles are available on Stephanie Square, or in the immediate vicinity.

JVM is a niche law firm specialised in intellectual property and media.

The firm was founded in 2003 by Eric Jooris and Emmanuel Van Melkebeke, and has since become a team of dynamic lawyers, working in close synergy.

Our experience in various branches and our pragmatic approach allow us to provide tailor-made legal services, adapted to the needs and expectations of a large variety of clients, in Belgium as well as abroad.

Our rigorous work ethics and global approach of the cases are combined with availability and reasonable fees.

We work in French, Dutch and English.


Éric Jooris

I obtained my law degree from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (1994), before specialising at the Queen Mary & Westfield College in London in 1994-95 (LLM Intellectual Property Law). I am an attorney at the Brussels Bar since November 1995 and the associated founder of the firm since July 2003. After having been a guest lecturer at Impact Corremans, I taught the intellectual property course in the Degree in Marketing & Advertising of Solvay Business School, the copyright course at the IHECS and I was an assistant at the Law faculty of the Université Libre de Bruxelles. I am currently teaching music and live performance contract law at the IAD and authored an annotated codex for Copyright, neighbouring rights and related rights which was published in 2002 by Larcier. I handle cases in French and English and specialise in copyright law, audiovisual law (and tax shelter), press law, trademark law and contracts relating to arts. In my personal time, I chair the association that manages the day care of my children’s school, and devour Cd’s, books, comic books and the press. I collect recordings of Miles Davis.

Emmanuel Van Melkebeke

I graduated in Law from Universiteit Gent (1995), and continued my education in London, more specifically at the Queen Mary & Westfield College in 1995-1996 (Degree in Intellectual Property Law). I am an attorney at the Brussels Bar since June 1996 and founded the firm in July 2003, together with Eric. I have written several articles and publications (amongst which the Overview of intellectual property in the NJW), I am preparing a book about originality in copyright and have given multiple conferences in Belgium and abroad about different subjects (copyright for architects, freedom of the press in Europe, copyright in libraries, etc.). I am trilingual (Dutch, French and English) and deal with cases with regard to copyright, counterfeit, film, music, neighbouring rights, press and trademarks. In my free time I continue to manage FACTS (« your Belgian comic con »), founded more than twenty years ago (and which welcomed about 45.000 visitors in 2015). I am also passionate about music, snooker, film and comic books.

Amélie Genin

I obtained my law degree at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in 2005 and joined JVM in January 2006 when I started my internship for the bar. At the same time I took further evening classes at the Katholieke Universiteit van Brussel doing a bilingual additional masters degree in intellectual property. I wrote a masters thesis about the protection of fragrances by intellectual property rights. I treat cases in French and English and have a very good knowledge of Dutch. While working in the firm, I was seconded for two years at the legal service of the SACD-Scam, where I advised authors on their questions about publishing and their social and tax position. I am currently a guest lecturer at the IHECS and teach the course « international approach of intellectual property rights » for the Master in Marketing. In my free time I practise sports (hockey, tennis, horseback riding, hiking, running), and love to sew and cook. I’m also passionate about traveling and nature.

Julie Hubermont

I obtained my law degree at the Université Catholique de Louvain in 2005 and followed an additional Master in de intellectuele rechten (bilingual) at the Katholieke Universiteit van Brussel (2005-2006). I am an attorney at the Brussels Bar since 2006. After a first experience in a more general law firm, I joined JVM in November 2008. My interest in fashion history and the way it evolved led me to publish an article in the legal journal Intellectuele rechten – Droits intellectuels, entitled « La mode face aux droits de la propriété intellectuelle » (I.R.D.I., 2007/2). I had also treated this subject in depth for my master thesis at the KUB. In my free time, I like to discover new things on a culinary, cultural and artistic level. I deal with cases in French.



JVM assists clients in drafting, analysing and negotiating contracts.



While the firm favours negotiated solutions, it represents clients in legal procedures, arbitration or mediation.



We do audits of the intellectual property of our clients and advise them about the strategic valorisation of their rights. We also take care of the formalities for the protection of these rights as well as the follow-up thereof.



The firm provides its expertise regarding tax aspects (preliminary rulings, tax valorisation of copyrights, tax shelter, etc.) and social aspects (social position of artists) of the fields we specialise in.



Intellectual property

  • copyright and neighbouring rights
  • trademarks
  • designs and models
  • patents

Media and communication

  • privacy
  • right of image
  • processing of personal data
  • liability of journalists
  • protection of sources
  • GDPR

New technologies

  • e-commerce (B2B and B2C)
  • software and databases
  • domain names
  • online marketing
  • terms of use of websites


  • coproductions
  • author and artist contracts
  • rights clearance
  • tax shelter

Art and culture

  • authenticity and expertise
  • exhibition and sale of works of art
  • insurances
  • resale right

Social and tax position of the artist

Commercial law

  • unfair competition and market practices
  • advertisement law
  • commercial agency, distribution and franchise
  • terms and conditions
  • trade names


film   television   radio   music   photography   architecture   spectacles   startups   design   graphic design   plastic arts   advertising   publishing   press   web   software   styling   …


72-74, rue de Namur
1000 Brussels

Tel +32 (0)2 289 00 20
Fax +32 (0)2 289 00 21

email-white info [at] jvm.be

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